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Cisco offers an industry-leading portfolio of technology innovations. With networking, security, collaboration, cloud management, and more, we help to securely connect industries and communities.
Cisco Enterprise
Cisco Smart Net
Kami menjual Hardware, License dan Annual
SonicWall Platform
A cybersecurity platform built for managed service providers. SonicPlatform unifies all SonicWall products under one integrated interface - manage sites, alerts incidents and more. SonicPlatform helps you stay in control whenever, wherever
Jual Hardware, License dan Annual
Fortinet mengembangkan dan menjual solusi keamanan komputer, seperti firewall, perangkat lunak antivirus, sistem pencegahan intrusi, dan komponen keamanan titik akhir.
Kami menjual Hardware dan License - Annual Fortinet
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office adalah perangkat lunak paket aplikasi perkantoran buatan Microsoft dan dirancang untuk dijalankan di bawah sistem operasi Microsoft Windows dan Mac OS X. Beberapa aplikasi di dalam Microsoft Office yang terkenal adalah Excel, Word, dan PowerPoint.
Microsoft OS Windows 11
Windows 11
Intuitive navigation. Easy organization. Faster performance. Plus, new features to unlock your productivity and creativity. Explore these Windows 11 features and learn why Windows 11 is the best Windows yet